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Search Kanji for 知識欲

longing; covetousness; greed; passion; desire; craving

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Popularity rank: 902 Pinyin: Korean: yog Hán-Việt: dục
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-7-4


寡欲[kayoku] unselfishness
我欲[gayoku] selfishness
強欲[gouyoku] greed
禁欲[kinyoku] abstinence
少欲[shouyoku] a little covetousness
情欲[jouyoku] passions
色欲[shikiyoku] lust
食欲[shokuyoku] appetite (for food)
人欲[jinyoku] human desires
制欲[seiyoku] control of passions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
know; wisdom

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Popularity rank: 205 Pinyin: zhī, zhì Korean: ji Hán-Việt: tri, trí
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-5-3


御知らせ[oshirase] notice
かも知れない[kamoshirenai] may
かも知れません[kamoshiremasen] may
愛知県[aichiken] Aichi prefecture (Chuubu area)
井の中の蛙大海を知らず[inonakanokawazutaikaiwoshirazu] parochial
一知半解[icchihankai] superficial knowledge
伺い知る[ukagaishiru] to perceive
窺知[kichi] perception
恩知らず[onshirazu] ingratitude
われ知らず[wareshirazu] involuntarily
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
discriminating; know; write

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Popularity rank: 496 Pinyin: shì, zhì Korean: sig, ji Hán-Việt: thức, chí
Stroke counts: 19 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-7-12


パターン認識[pataanninshiki] pattern recognition
意識[ishiki] consciousness
意識体[ishikitai] discarnate entity
意識不明[ishikifumei] unconscious
一見識[ichikenshiki] an opinion
一面識[ichimenshiki] (a) passing acquaintance
該博な知識[gaihakunachishiki] profound knowledge
学識[gakushiki] scholarship
鑒識[kanshiki] judgement
眼識[ganshiki] discrimination
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0