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Search Kanji for 矛盾語法

method; law; rule; principle; model; system

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Popularity rank: 100 Pinyin: fǎ, fà Korean: beob Hán-Việt: pháp
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


くつくつ法師[kutsukutsuboushi] Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada)
つくつく法師[tsukutsukuboushi] Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada)
エライザ法[eraizahou] enzyme-linked immunoSorbent assay (virus detection method)
ケーソン工法[keesonkouhou] caisson method
シールド工法[shiirudokouhou] shield method
モンテカルロ法[montekarurohou] Monte Carlo method
悪法[akuhou] bad law
暗号化手法[angoukashuhou] cryptography
暗号手法[angoushuhou] cryptography
違法[ihou] illegal
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
shield; escutcheon; pretext

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Popularity rank: 1476 Pinyin: dùn, shǔn Korean: sun, don Hán-Việt: thuẫn
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-4-5


後ろ盾[ushirodate] backing
矛盾[mujun] contradiction
盾突く[tatetsuku] to oppose
盾座[tateza] Scutum (constellation)
自己矛盾[jikomujun] self-contradiction
矛盾語法[mujungohou] oxymoron
矛盾撞着[mujundouchaku] self-contradiction
前後矛盾[zengomujun] self-contradiction
撞着矛盾[douchakumujun] self-contradiction
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
halberd; arms; festival float

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Popularity rank: 1538 Pinyin: máo Korean: mo Hán-Việt: mâu
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-2


珍矛[chinpoko] penis
矛盾[mujun] contradiction
矛先[hokosaki] point of spear
自己矛盾[jikomujun] self-contradiction
矛盾語法[mujungohou] oxymoron
矛盾撞着[mujundouchaku] self-contradiction
前後矛盾[zengomujun] self-contradiction
撞着矛盾[douchakumujun] self-contradiction
相矛盾[aimujun] mutually contradictory
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
word; speech; language

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Popularity rank: 301 Pinyin: yǔ, yù Korean: eo Hán-Việt: ngữ, ngứ
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-7-7


オブジェクト指向言語[obujekutoshikougengo] object-oriented language
コンピュータ用語[konpyuutayougo] computerese
スウェーデン語[suweedengo] Swedish (language)
スペイン語[supeingo] Spanish (language)
スワヒリ語[suwahirigo] Swahili (language)
チャン語[chango] Chinese (language)
ドイツ語[doitsugo] German (language)
フランス語[furansugo] French (language)
プログラム言語[puroguramugengo] programming language
ペルシャ語[perushago] Persian (language)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0