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Search Kanji for 玉石混淆交

mingle; mixing; association; coming & going

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Popularity rank: 178 Pinyin: jiāo Korean: gyo Hán-Việt: giao
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-4-2


ない交ぜにする[naimazenisuru] to blend (e.g. truth and lies)
データ交換[deetakoukan] data exchange
メール交換[meerukoukan] exchange of letters
リーダー交代[riidaakoutai] leadership change
意見交換[ikenkoukan] exchange of ideas
一方交通[ippoukoutsuu] one-way traffic
羽交絞め[hagaijime] pinioning
仮名交じり[kanamajiri] mixed writing (characters and kana)
仮名交じり文[kanamajiribun] mixed writing (characters and kana)
賀詞交換[gashikoukan] New Year greetings (parties)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
turbidity; mixing

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Pinyin: yáo, xiáo Korean: hyo Hán-Việt: hào
Stroke counts: 11 Skip code: 1-3-8


玉石混淆[gyokusekikonkou] mixture of wheat and chaff
渾淆[konkou] mixture
虚実混淆[kyojitsukonkou] mishmash of truth and untruth
神仏混淆[shinbutsukonkou] mixture (synthesis) of Buddhism and Shintoism
雅俗混淆[gazokukonkou] mixture of both culture and vulgarism
和漢混淆文[wakankonkoubun] mixed writing of literary Japanese and Chinese
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
mix; blend; confuse

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Popularity rank: 824 Pinyin: hǔn, hún, hùn Korean: hon, gon Hán-Việt: hỗn, cổn
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-8


混凝土[konkuriito] concrete
雨混じりの雪[amemajirinoyuki] snow mingled with rain
玉石混交[gyokusekikonkou] mixture of wheat and chaff
混合う[komiau] to be crowded
混ぜる[mazeru] to mix
混ぜ物[mazemono] mixture
混血[konketsu] mixed race
混血の人[konketsunohito] mixed race person
混淆[konkou] mixture
混合[kongou] mixing
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
jewel; ball

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Popularity rank: 737 Pinyin: Korean: og Hán-Việt: ngọc, túc
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-5-1


御手玉[otedama] beanbag
やり玉[yaridama] make an example of
シャボン玉[shabondama] soap bubble
悪玉[akudama] bad character
あめ玉[amedama] candy
一円玉[ichiendama] one-yen coin
烏羽玉[ubatama] jet black
黄碧玉[kouhekigyoku] yellow jasper
火の玉[hinotama] falling star
火玉[hidama] falling star
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 342 Pinyin: shí, dàn Korean: seog Hán-Việt: thạch, đạn
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-2-3


圧し石[oshiishi] stone weight
一石[isseki] one game (of go)
一石二鳥[issekinichou] killing two birds with one stone
英国石油[eikokusekiyu] British Petroleum
下石[shitaishi] nether millstone
化粧石鹸[keshousekken] toilet soap
化石[kaseki] fossil
化石学[kasekigaku] paleontology
化石層[kasekisou] fossil bed
化石燃料[kasekinenryou] fossil fuel
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0