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Search Kanji for 独立班

single; alone; spontaneously; Germany

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Popularity rank: 365 Pinyin: Korean: dog Hán-Việt: độc
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-6


独りで[hitoride] alone
独り芝居[hitorishibai] one man show
独り舞台[hitoributai] performing solo (by oneself)
独り歩き[hitoriaruki] walking alone
曲独楽[kyokugoma] top
軍部独裁[gunbudokusai] military dictatorship
孤独[kodoku] isolation
国家独占[kokkadokusen] state monopoly
宗教的独立性[shuukyoutekidokuritsusei] religious independence
単独[tandoku] sole
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squad; corps; unit; group

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Popularity rank: 1592 Pinyin: bān Korean: ban Hán-Việt: ban
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-6


救護班[kyuugohan] relief squad
写真班[shashinhan] (newspaper) cameramen
主班[shuhan] head position
首班[shuhan] head
戦術航空統制班[senjutsukoukuutouseihan] tactical air control party
独立班[dokuritsuhan] detachment
班長[hanchou] squad leader
麻薬取締班[mayakutorishimarihan] narcotics squad
西班牙[supein] Spain
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
stand up; rise; set up; erect

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Popularity rank: 58 Pinyin: Korean: rib Hán-Việt: lập
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-2


ペンキ塗り立て[penkinuritate] wet paint
粟立つ[awadatsu] to have gooseflesh (cold or horror)
安心立命[anshinritsumei] spiritual peace and enlightenment
一頭立て[ittoudate] one-horse (carriage)
一本立ち[ippondachi] independence
引立つ[hikitatsu] to become active
隠し立て[kakushidate] secrecy
永世中立[eiseichuuritsu] permanent neutrality
永世中立国[eiseichuuritsukoku] permanent neutral country
推し立てる[oshitateru] to set up
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0