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Search Kanji for 狐を落とす


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Popularity rank: 2185 Pinyin: Korean: ho Hán-Việt: hồ
Stroke counts: 9 Skip code: 1-3-6


銀狐[gingitsune] silver fox
古狐[furukitsune] old fox
狐火[kitsunebi] St. Elmo's fire
狐格子[kitsunegoushi] lattice work
狐疑逡巡[kogishunjun] being in doubt and unable to decide
狐狸[kori] foxes and badgers
狐饂飩[kitsuneudon] udon with deep-fried tofu
白狐[shirogitsune] albino fox
狐憑き[kitsunetsuki] possession by a fox spirit
fall; drop; come down; village; hamlet

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Popularity rank: 420 Pinyin: luò, là, lào Korean: rag Hán-Việt: lạc
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-9


落っこちる[okkochiru] to fall down
お洒落[oshare] smartly dressed
ぽたぽた落ちる[potapotaochiru] to fall in drops
悪洒落[warujare] offensive joke
為落し[shiotoshi] omission
為落ち[shiochi] omission
為落す[shiotosu] to fail to do
一段落[ichidanraku] completing the first stage
猿も木から落ちる[sarumokikaraochiru] even monkeys fall from trees
下落[geraku] depreciation