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Search Kanji for 濡羽色

get wet; damp; make love

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Popularity rank: 2260 Pinyin: Korean: yu Hán-Việt: nhu, nhi
Stroke counts: 17 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-3-14


ずぶ濡れ[zubunure] soaked
からすの濡れ羽色[karasunonurebairo] glossy black (hair)
濡す[nurasu] to wet
濡る[nureru] to get wet
びしょ濡れ[bishonure] sopping wet
泣濡れる[nakinureru] to be tear-stained
濡れ手[nurete] wet hands
濡れ手で粟[nuretedeawa] easy profit
濡れ羽色[nurebairo] jet black
濡れ色[nureiro] color of something wet
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
feathers; counter for birds, rabbits

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Popularity rank: 748 Pinyin: Korean: u Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-3


1羽[ichiwa] one (bird)
からすの濡れ羽色[karasunonurebairo] glossy black (hair)
烏羽玉[ubatama] jet black
烏羽色[karasubairo] glossy black
羽子[hane] feather
羽子[hago] shuttlecock
羽ばたく[habataku] to flap (wings)
羽衣[hagoromo] angel's raiment
羽音[haoto] sound of flapping wings (of a bird)
羽化[uka] emergence (of insects)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 621 Pinyin: sè, shǎi Korean: saeg Hán-Việt: sắc
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-2-4


茜色[akaneiro] madder red
暗褐色[ankasshoku] dark brown
暗色[anshoku] dark colour
暗赤色[ansekishoku] dark red
異色[ishoku] singular (esp. artist, artwork)
からすの濡れ羽色[karasunonurebairo] glossy black (hair)
烏羽色[karasubairo] glossy black
炎色[enshoku] flame (color, colour)
鉛色[namariiro] lead colour
鴬色[uguisuiro] greenish brown
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0