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Search Kanji for 潔良

undefiled; pure; clean; righteous; gallant

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Popularity rank: 1595 Pinyin: jié Korean: gyeol Hán-Việt: khiết
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-12


簡潔[kanketsu] brevity
潔よい[isagiyoi] manly
潔白[keppaku] innocence (i.e. not guilty)
潔癖[keppeki] fastidiousness
高潔[kouketsu] purity
純潔[junketsu] purity
清潔[seiketsu] clean
清廉潔白[seirenkeppaku] being upright and cleanhanded
貞潔[teiketsu] chastity
不潔[fuketsu] unclean
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
good; pleasing; skilled

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Popularity rank: 501 Pinyin: liáng Korean: ryang Hán-Việt: lương
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-5-2


するが良い[surugaii] had better ...
どうしたら良い[doushitaraii] what's the best thing to do?
愛想の良い[aisonoii] affable
運良く[unyoku] luckily
温良[onryou] gentle
佳良[karyou] good
改良[kairyou] improvement
改良点[kairyouten] point(s) for improvement
格好の良い[kakkounoii] attractive
感度良好[kandoryoukou] loud and clear
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0