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Search Kanji for 漢奸

wickedness; mischief; rudeness

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Pinyin: jiān Korean: gan Hán-Việt: gian
Stroke counts: 6 Skip code: 1-3-3


奸計[kankei] trick
佞奸[neikan] treacherous
奸物[kanbutsu] cunning man
奸悪[kanaku] wickedness
奸策[kansaku] shrewd (dirty) trick
奸知[kanchi] cunning
奸佞邪智[kanneijachi] wiles and cunning
奸黠[kankatsu] cunning
君側の奸[kunsokunokan] someone who curries favor with their master while secretly plotting against him
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
Sino-; China

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Popularity rank: 1487 Pinyin: hàn Korean: han Hán-Việt: hán
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-3-10


悪漢[akkan] rascal
かな漢字変換[kanakanjihenkan] kana-kanji conversion (on a computer, etc.)
漢英[kanei] Kanji to English (dictionary)
漢英字典[kaneijiten] Kanji to English dictionary
漢越音[kanetsuon] Vietnamese reading (of Chinese characters)
漢音[kanon] Han reading of Chinese characters
漢語[kango] Chinese word
漢詩[kanshi] Chinese poetry
漢字[kanji] Chinese characters
漢字文化[kanjibunka] (the so-called) kanji culture
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0