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Search Kanji for 海浜公園

public; prince; official; governmental

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Popularity rank: 118 Pinyin: gōng Korean: gong Hán-Việt: công
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-2-2


ハチ公[hachikou] statue of Hachiko (a dog) at Shibuya station
郭公[kakkou] common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
株式公開[kabushikikoukai] stock offering (to the public)
蒲公英[tanpopo] dandelion (esp. species Taraxacum platycarpum)
官公庁[kankouchou] government administration office
丸公[marukou] official price
勤め奉公[tsutomeboukou] apprenticeship
公平[kinpira] chopped burdock root (and sometimes carrot) cooked in sugar and soy sauce
公孫樹[kousonju] ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
park; garden; yard; farm

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Popularity rank: 628 Pinyin: yuán Korean: weon Hán-Việt: viên
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-10


育児園[ikujien] baby nursery
園芸[engei] horticulture
園児[enji] kindergarten pupil
園長[enchou] head of a garden
園遊会[enyuukai] garden party
果樹園[kajuen] orchard
開園[kaien] opening, either for the day or a "grand opening" (e.g. theme park, botanical garden etc.)
学園[gakuen] academy
学園祭[gakuensai] school festival
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
seacoast; beach; seashore

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Popularity rank: 645 Pinyin: bāng Korean: bin Hán-Việt: banh
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-7


海浜[kaihin] seaside
砂浜[sunahama] sandy beach
入浜[irihama] naturally flooded salt farm below the high-tide mark
浜辺[hamabe] beach
浜風[hamakaze] sea breeze
浜梨[hamanashi] rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa)
浜焼き[hamayaki] freshly caught seafood broiled at a beach
白浜[shirahama] white sandy beach
京浜[keihin] Tokyo and Yokohama
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
sea; ocean

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Popularity rank: 200 Pinyin: hǎi Korean: hae Hán-Việt: hải
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-3-6


海鷂魚[ei] ray (fish)
井の中の蛙大海を知らず[inonakanokawazutaikaiwoshirazu] parochial
一天四海[ittenshikai] the world
雲海[unkai] sea of clouds
沿海[enkai] coast
遠海[enkai] deep sea
黄海[koukai] Yellow Sea
温海[atsumi] warm sea
海の幸[uminosachi] seafood
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0


The sea is the where every (毎) sources of water (氵,水) flow into.