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Search Kanji for 洗晒

bleach; refine; expose; air

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Pinyin: shài Korean: swae Hán-Việt: sái
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-4-6


晒し木綿[sarashimomen] bleached cotton cloth
店晒し[tanazarashi] shopworn goods
夜晒[yozarashi] leaving things exposed outside all night
晒し[sarashi] bleaching
晒す[sarasu] to expose (to the air, to the public, to danger, etc.)
恥晒し[hajisarashi] disgrace
晒者[sarashimono] pilloried criminal exposed to public view
野晒し[nozarashi] weather-beaten
吹き晒し[fukisarashi] wind-swept
寒晒し[kanzarashi] exposure to cold
wash; inquire into; probe

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Popularity rank: 1168 Pinyin: Korean: se, seon Hán-Việt: tẩy, tiển
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-3-6


御手洗い[otearai] toilet
異洗浄[isenjou] stomach pumping
一洗[issen] thoroughly wash away
灰洗い[akuarai] scouring
乾燥洗濯[kansousentaku] dry cleaning
丸洗い[maruarai] washing a kimono (or futon, etc.) without taking it apart
再洗礼[saisenrei] baptism by sprinkling
皿洗い[saraarai] washing-up
皿洗い機[saraaraiki] dish-washer (machine)
手洗[tearai] washing one's hands