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Search Kanji for 泣腫

cry; weep; moan

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Popularity rank: 1380 Pinyin: Korean: eub Hán-Việt: khấp
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


しくしく泣く[shikushikunaku] to sob
啜り泣く[susurinaku] to sob
悔泣[kuyashinaki] crying from vexation
感泣[kankyuu] being moved to tears
泣かせる[nakaseru] to make someone cry
泣かす[nakasu] to make someone cry
泣き[naki] weeping
泣きじゃくる[nakijakuru] to sob
泣喚く[nakiwameku] to bawl
泣叫ぶ[nakisakebu] to cry and shout
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
tumor; swelling

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Popularity rank: 2145 Pinyin: zhǒng Korean: jong Hán-Việt: thũng, trũng
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-4-9


カポシ肉腫[kaposhinikushu] Kaposi's sarcoma
悪性リンパ腫[akuseirinpashu] malignant lymphoma
悪性腫瘍[akuseishuyou] malignant tumor
癌腫[ganshu] carcinoma
泣腫らす[nakiharasu] to weep one's eyes out
黒色腫[kokushokushu] melanoma
腫れる[hareru] to swell (from inflammation)
腫上がる[hareagaru] to swell up
腫大[shudai] swelling
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0