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Search Kanji for 汽缶罐鑵

vapor; steam

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Popularity rank: 2020 Pinyin: Korean: gi, heul Hán-Việt: khí
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-4


汽車[kisha] train (sometimes specifically a steam train)
汽車賃[kishachin] train fare
汽水[kisui] brackish water
汽船[kisen] steamship
汽笛[kiteki] steam whistle
蒸汽[jouki] steam
夜汽車[yogisha] night train
蒸汽船[joukisen] steamship
汽鑵[kikan] boiler
汽缶室[kikanshitsu] boiler room
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)

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Popularity rank: 1543 Pinyin: fǒu Korean: bu Hán-Việt: phữu, phẫu, phũ
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-6-2


缶ジュース[kanjuusu] canned juice
缶詰め[kanzume] packing (in cans)
缶切り[kankiri] can opener
空き缶[akikan] empty can
製缶工場[seikankoujou] (tin) can factory
薬缶[yakan] kettle
薬缶頭[yakanatama] bald head
ドラム缶[doramukan] drum
製缶[seikan] can manufacturing
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
steam boiler (left side only)

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Pinyin: guàn Korean: gwan Hán-Việt: quán
Stroke counts: 23 Skip code: 1-6-17


円罐[marugama] cylindrical boiler
罐詰[kanzume] packing (in cans)
藥罐[yakan] kettle
薬罐頭[yakanatama] bald head
汽罐[kikan] boiler
罐焚き[kamataki] stoker
薬罐をかける[yakanwokakeru] to put a kettle on (the stove)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
steam boiler

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Pinyin: guàn Korean: gwan Hán-Việt: quán
Stroke counts: 25 Skip code: 1-8-17


薬鑵[yakan] kettle
薬鑵頭[yakanatama] bald head
汽鑵[kikan] boiler
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0