火の見櫓[hinomiyagura] fire lookout 物見櫓[monomiyagura] watchtower 櫓太鼓[yaguradaiko] drums which announce the opening of a stage performance or commencement of bouts 櫓投げ[yaguranage] inner thigh throw
櫓杭[rogui] fulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock) 櫓臍[robeso] fulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock) 櫓櫂[rokai] sculls and paddles 見せ櫓[miseyagura] observation tower
艪杭[rogui] fulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock) 艪臍[robeso] fulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock)