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Search Kanji for 機構改革

reformation; change; modify; mend; renew; examine; inspect; search

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Popularity rank: 147 Pinyin: gǎi Korean: gae Hán-Việt: cải
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-4


悔改める[kuiaratameru] to repent
改まる[aratamaru] to be renewed
改めて[aratamete] another time
改める[aratameru] to change
改悪[kaiaku] deterioration
改印[kaiin] changing seals
改革[kaikaku] reform
改革案[kaikakuan] reform proposal
改革過程[kaikakukatei] reform process
改憲[kaiken] constitutional change
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
posture; build; pretend

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Popularity rank: 316 Pinyin: gòu Korean: gu Hán-Việt: cấu
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-10


御構いなく[okamainaku] please don't fuss over me
サーボ機構[saabokikou] servomechanism
シフト演算機構[shifutoenzankikou] shift arithmetic unit
ヒグス機構[higusukikou] Higgs mechanism (physics)
遺構[ikou] remains
一向に構わない[ikkounikamawanai] doesn't care at all
一般命令演算機構[ippanmeireienzankikou] general instruction unit (computer)
機構[kikou] mechanism
気構え[kigamae] readiness
虚構[kyokou] fiction
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
mechanism; opportunity; occasion; machine; airplane

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Popularity rank: 127 Pinyin: Korean: gi Hán-Việt: cơ, ki
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-12


機関[karakuri] mechanism
アナログ計算機[anarogukeisanki] analog computer
エンジン発動機[enjinhatsudouki] engine
サーボ機構[saabokikou] servomechanism
シフト演算機構[shifutoenzankikou] shift arithmetic unit
ジェット機[jettoki] jet aeroplane
弾機[hatsujou] spring (e.g. coil, leaf)
ヒグス機構[higusukikou] Higgs mechanism (physics)
プロペラ機[puroperaki] propeller-driven aircraft
圧延機[atsuenki] rolling machine
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt

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Popularity rank: 249 Pinyin: gé, jí, jǐ Korean: hyeog, geug Hán-Việt: cách, cức
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-5


セーム革[seemugawa] chamois leather
沿革[enkaku] history
革まる[aratamaru] to be renewed
革める[aratameru] to change
改革[kaikaku] reform
改革案[kaikakuan] reform proposal
改革過程[kaikakukatei] reform process
革靴[kawagutsu] leather shoes
革新[kakushin] reform
革新系[kakushinkei] liberal
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0