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Search Kanji for 松濤

pine tree

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Popularity rank: 471 Pinyin: sōng Korean: song Hán-Việt: tùng, tông
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-4


一本松[ipponmatsu] solitary pine tree
下がり松[sagarimatsu] drooping pine
松魚[shougyo] skipjack tuna
黒松[kuromatsu] black pine
市松[ichimatsu] checked (pattern)
小松菜[komatsuna] Japanese mustard spinach (Brassica rapa var. perviridis)
松の木[matsunoki] pine tree
松下電器[matsushitadenki] Matsushita Electric Industrial
松下電工[matsushitadenkou] Matsushita Electric Works
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
waves; billows

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Pinyin: tāo, táo Korean: do Hán-Việt: đào
Stroke counts: 17 Skip code: 1-3-14


疾風怒濤[shippuudotou] Sturm und Drang
松濤[shoutou] (the sound of) the wind through pine trees
波濤[hatou] surging sea
怒濤[dotou] surging waves
波濤万里[hatoubanri] faraway lands
松濤館流[shoutoukanryuu] Shotokan (style of karate)
怒濤の勢い[dotounoikioi] with great vigour
風濤[fuutou] wind and waves
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0