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Search Kanji for 末世

generation; world; society; public

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Popularity rank: 135 Pinyin: shì Korean: se Hán-Việt: thế
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-4-4


御世辞[oseji] flattery
御世話になる[osewaninaru] to receive favor (favour)
一世紀[isseiki] century
永世[eisei] eternity
永世中立[eiseichuuritsu] permanent neutrality
永世中立国[eiseichuuritsukoku] permanent neutral country
厭世[ensei] pessimism
厭世家[enseika] pessimist
厭世観[enseikan] pessimistic view of life
厭世主義[enseishugi] pessimism
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
end; close; tip; powder; posterity

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Popularity rank: 456 Pinyin: Korean: mal Hán-Việt: mạt
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-5-3


亜鉛末[aenmatsu] zinc dust
学期末[gakkimatsu] end of term
巻末[kanmatsu] end of a book
期末[kimatsu] end of term
期末試験[kimatsushiken] final exam
旧年末[kyuunenmatsu] end of last year
結末[ketsumatsu] end
月末[getsumatsu] end of the month
跡始末[atoshimatsu] settlement (of affairs)
語末[gomatsu] end of a word
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0