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Search Kanji for 曾祖父

once; before; formerly; ever; never; ex-

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Pinyin: céng, zēng Korean: jeung Hán-Việt: tằng, tăng
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 10 Skip code: 2-2-10


曾遊[souyuu] former visit
曾て[katte] once
曾祖父[sousofu] great-grandfather
曾祖母[sousobo] great-grandmother
未曾有[mizou] unprecedented
曾孫[himago] great-grandchild
木曾川[kisogawa] river in Gifu Prefecture
伊曾保物語[isohomonogatari] Aesop's Fables (published initially by the Jesuits in 1593)
未だ曾て[imadakatsute] not until now (with neg. verb)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 646 Pinyin: fù, fǔ Korean: bu, bo Hán-Việt: phụ, phủ
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-2-2


御祖父さん[ojiisan] grandfather
御父さん[otossan] father
異父[ifu] same mother, different father
家父長制[kafuchousei] patriarchal authority
外祖父[gaisofu] maternal grandfather
岳父[gakufu] (man's) father-in-law
杜父魚[tofugyo] sculpin (any fish of family Cottidae, inc. the bullheads and the miller's-thumb)
義父[gifu] father-in-law
教父[kyoufu] godfather
継父[keifu] stepfather
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
ancestor; pioneer; founder

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Popularity rank: 1226 Pinyin: Korean: jo Hán-Việt: tổ
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-5


御祖父さん[ojiisan] grandfather
御祖母さん[obaasan] grandmother
遠祖[enso] forefathers
開祖[kaiso] (sect) founder
外祖父[gaisofu] maternal grandfather
共同祖界[kyoudousokai] international settlement
教祖[kyouso] founder of a religious sect
元祖[ganso] originator
お高祖頭巾[okosozukin] kerchief worn by women in former times in Japan in cold weather, covering the whole head (except eyes)
始祖[shiso] founder
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0