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Search Kanji for 普通

universal; wide(ly); generally; Prussia

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Popularity rank: 757 Pinyin: Korean: bo Hán-Việt: phổ
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-8-4


安普請[yasubushin] cheap structure (e.g. of houses)
仮普請[karibushin] temporary building
割り普請[waribushin] dividing work among several contractors
普く[amaneku] widely
普及[fukyuu] diffusion
普及版[fukyuuban] cheap popular edition
普及率[fukyuuritsu] diffusion rate
普賢[fugen] Samantabhadra (bodhisattva)
普請[fushin] building
普請場[fushinba] building plot
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traffic; pass through; avenue; commute; counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.

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Popularity rank: 80 Pinyin: tōng, tòng Korean: tong Hán-Việt: thông
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-2-7


ぶっ通し[buttooshi] continuous
イタルタス通信[itarutasutsuushin] ITAR-TASS News Agency
インタファクス通信[intafakusutsuushin] Interfax news agency
シリアル通信[shiriarutsuushin] serial communication
タス通信[tasutsuushin] TASS News Agency
データ通信[deetatsuushin] data communication
パソコン通信[pasokontsuushin] personal computer communication
パラレル通信[pararerutsuushin] parallel communication
ビジネススクール入学共通試験[bijinesusukuurunyuugakukyoutsuushiken] business school entrance test
ロイター通信[roitaatsuushin] Reuters (news agency)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0