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Search Kanji for 斜塔

pagoda; tower; steeple

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Popularity rank: 1708 Pinyin: tǎ, da Korean: tab Hán-Việt: tháp
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-9


テレビ塔[terebitou] TV tower
バベルの塔[baberunotou] Tower of Babel
監視塔[kanshitou] watchtower
管制塔[kanseitou] control tower
供養塔[kuyoutou] memorial tower
金字塔[kinjitou] pyramid
五輪の塔[gorinnotou] five-story pagoda
広告塔[koukokutou] billboard
象牙の塔[zougenotou] ivory tower
信号塔[shingoutou] signal tower
diagonal; slanting; oblique

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Popularity rank: 1504 Pinyin: xié, xiá Korean: sa, ya Hán-Việt: tà, gia
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-4


傾斜[keisha] inclination
傾斜角[keishakaku] angle of inclination
傾斜度[keishado] gradient
傾斜面[keishamen] inclined plane
斜めに[nanameni] diagonally
斜角[shakaku] bevel
斜角柱[shakakuchuu] oblique prism
斜視[shashi] squint
斜線[shasen] oblique line