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Search Kanji for 放射性廃棄物

shoot; shine into; onto; archery

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Popularity rank: 937 Pinyin: shè, shí, yè Korean: sa, seog Hán-Việt: xạ, dạ, dịch
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-3


ロケット発射筒[rokettohasshatou] rocket launcher
依託射撃[itakushageki] firing from elbow rests
威嚇射撃[ikakushageki] warning shot
一斉射撃[isseishageki] volley firing
火焔放射器[kaenhoushaki] flamethrower
間接照準射撃[kansetsushoujunshageki] indirect fire
騎射[kisha] shooting on horseback
逆噴射[gyakufunsha] reverse thrust
曲射[kyokusha] high-angle fire
曲射砲[kyokushahou] howitzer
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
abolish; obsolete; cessation; discarding; abandon

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Popularity rank: 698 Pinyin: fèi Korean: pye Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-3-9


改廃[kaihai] change
軍備撤廃[gunbiteppai] complete disarmament
公娼全廃[koushouzenpai] abolition of licensed prostitution
荒廃[kouhai] ruin
廃める[yameru] to stop
全廃[zenpai] total abolition
全廃論者[zenpaironsha] abolitionist
撤廃[teppai] annulment
廃る[sutaru] to go out of use
廃れる[sutareru] to go out of use
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
sex; gender; nature

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Popularity rank: 104 Pinyin: xìng Korean: seong Hán-Việt: tính
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-1-7


アルカリ性[arukarisei] alkalinity
悪性[akushou] evil nature
悪性[akusei] malignancy
悪性リンパしゅ[akuseirinpashu] malignant lymphoma
悪性腫瘍[akuseishuyou] malignant tumor
悪性度[akuseido] malignancy
圧縮性[asshukusei] compressibility
圧迫性[appakusei] compression
安全性[anzensei] safety
安定性[anteisei] stability
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
set free; release; fire; shoot; emit; banish; liberate

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Popularity rank: 288 Pinyin: fàng Korean: bang Hán-Việt: phóng, phỏng
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-4


っ放し[] keep ...-ing (negative nuance, with the state being improper, unpleasant, etc.)
テレビ放送[terebihousou] telecast
引き放つ[hikihanatsu] to pull apart
飲み放題[nomihoudai] all you can drink
衛星放送[eiseihousou] satellite broadcasting
下放[kahou] (stock market) slump
下放れ[shitabanare] (stock market) slump
仮釈放[karishakuhou] release on parole
火焔放射器[kaenhoushaki] flamethrower
解放[kaihou] release
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
abandon; throw away; discard; resign; reject; sacrifice

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Popularity rank: 901 Pinyin: Korean: gi Hán-Việt: khí
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-4-8


棄却[kikyaku] rejection
棄権[kiken] abstaining from voting
棄権者[kikensha] non-voter
棄言葉[sutekotoba] sharp parting remark
棄死[kishi] execution by decapitation, followed by public display of the body (form of punishment in ancient China)
棄世[kisei] death
棄背[kihai] giving up and turning back
棄約[kiyaku] breaking a promise
棄老[kirou] old person thrown away in the mountains
棄捐[kien] donation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
thing; object; matter

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Popularity rank: 215 Pinyin: Korean: mul Hán-Việt: vật
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-4-4


御召し物[omeshimono] clothing
と言う物[toiumono] something like ...
物にする[mononisuru] to get
クローン動物[kuroondoubutsu] cloned animal
シアン化合物[shiankagoubutsu] cyanide
シアン化物[shiankabutsu] cyanide
弗化物[fukkabutsu] fluoride
亜麻織物[amaorimono] flax fabrics
安物[yasumono] cheap article
異物[ibutsu] foreign substance
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0