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Search Kanji for 撚縒

twist; twine; kinky

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Popularity rank: 2398 Pinyin: niǎn Korean: nyeon Hán-Việt: niên, niễn, nhiên
Stroke counts: 15 Skip code: 1-3-12


撚る[hineru] to twist
紙撚[koyori] string made from twisted paper
撚糸[nenshi] twisted thread or yarn
撚り[hineri] twist
撚り[yori] twist
撚る[yoru] to twist (yarn)
撚り糸[yoriito] twisting (thread, etc.)
撚翅[nejirebane] strepsipteran
撚り合せる[yoriawaseru] to intertwine
糸撚鯛[itoyoridai] golden threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: cuǒ Korean: chag Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 16 Skip code: 1-6-10


勧世縒[kanzeyori] twisted paper
縒りを戻す[yoriwomodosu] to get back together again
紙縒[kamiyori] string made from twisted paper
縒り[yori] twist
縒る[yoru] to twist (yarn)
縒れる[yoreru] to get twisted
腕に縒をかける[udeniyoriwokakeru] to put all one's skill (into doing something)
縒り糸[yoriito] twisting (thread, etc.)
縒り合せる[yoriawaseru] to intertwine
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0