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Search Kanji for 揉み皮

rub; massage; shampoo; debate vigorously; train; coach; worry; get in trouble

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Pinyin: róu Korean: yu Hán-Việt: nhu, nhụ
Stroke counts: 12 Skip code: 1-3-9


内輪揉め[uchiwamome] internal dissension
擦った揉んだ[suttamonda] confused (situation)
揉合う[momiau] to jostle
揉み手[momide] rubbing one's hands together
揉消す[momikesu] to crush
揉上げ[momiage] tuft of hair under temple
揉療治[momiryouji] (therapeutic) massage
揉む[momu] to rub
揉め[mome] quarrel
揉める[momeru] to disagree
pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)

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Popularity rank: 1092 Pinyin: Korean: pi Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-5-4


バナナの皮[banananokawa] banana peel
一皮[hitokawa] unmasking
化の皮[bakenokawa] masking one's true character
化けの皮をはぐ[bakenokawawohagu] to unmask (someone's true nature)
果皮[kahi] pericarp (ripened ovary wall forming part of a fruit)
外皮[gaihi] investment (in the sense of outer layer)
角皮[kakuhi] cuticle
桜皮[kanba] birch (esp. Japanese white birch)
乾皮[kanpi] dried hides
雁皮紙[ganpishi] traditional Japanese paper made from the fibre of plant species Diplomorpha sikokiana (high quality, glossy)