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Search Kanji for 掲示出

exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude

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Popularity rank: 13 Pinyin: chū Korean: chul, chu Hán-Việt: xuất, xúy
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-2


御出でになる[oideninaru] to be
御目出度う御座います[omedetougozaimasu] congratulations
曝け出す[sarakedasu] to expose
出来るようになる[dekiruyouninaru] (something) has become possible
グループ見出し[guruupumidashi] group heading
圧出[asshutsu] pressing out
案出[anshutsu] contrivance
移出[ishutsu] export
溢れ出る[afurederu] to overflow from something full
逸出[isshutsu] escape
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
put up (a notice); put up; hoist; display; hang out; publish; describe

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Popularity rank: 899 Pinyin: jiē Korean: ge, gal, geol Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-8


掲げる[kakageru] to publish
掲載[keisai] publication (e.g. article in paper)
掲示[keiji] notice
掲示板[keijiban] bulletin board
掲揚[keiyou] hoist (flag)
上掲[joukei] the above-mentioned
前掲[zenkei] above-named
電光掲示板[denkoukeijiban] electric noticeboard
国旗を掲げる[kokkiwokakageru] to hoist the national flag
掲示板システム[keijibanshisutemu] bulletin board system
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
show; indicate; point out; express; display

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Popularity rank: 237 Pinyin: shì Korean: si, gi Hán-Việt: kì, thị
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-1-4


暗示[anji] hint
意思表示[ishihyouji] declaration of intention
開示[kaiji] disclosure (legal)
求愛誇示[kyuuaikoji] courtship display
教示[kyouji] instruction
訓示[kunji] instruction
啓示[keiji] revelation (i.e. divine revelation)
掲示[keiji] notice
掲示板[keijiban] bulletin board
誇示[koji] ostentation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0