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Search Kanji for 招待にあずかる

wait; depend on

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Popularity rank: 391 Pinyin: dài Korean: dae Hán-Việt: đãi
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-3-6


お待ち遠さま[omachidoosama] I'm sorry to have kept you waiting
果報は寝て待て[kahouhanetemate] All things come to those who wait
歓待[kantai] warm reception
期待[kitai] expectation
期待値[kitaichi] expected value
期待どおり[kitaidoori] as expected (positive events)
虐待[gyakutai] abuse
供待ち[tomomachi] attendant's waiting room
最恵国待遇[saikeikokutaiguu] most favored nation
請待[shoudai] invitation
beckon; invite; summon; engage

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Popularity rank: 840 Pinyin: zhāo Korean: cho, gyo Hán-Việt: chiêu, thiêu, thiều
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


手招き[temaneki] beckoning
手招く[temaneku] to beckon
招き[maneki] invitation
招き猫[manekineko] beckoning cat
招く[maneku] to invite
招集[shoushuu] calling or convening (a meeting, assembly, congress)
招待[shoutai] invitation
招待券[shoutaiken] complimentary ticket
招待状[shoutaijou] written invitation
招致[shouchi] invitation