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Search Kanji for 拉致問題

question; ask; problem

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Popularity rank: 64 Pinyin: wèn Korean: mun Hán-Việt: vấn
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-8-3


慰問[imon] condolences
一問一答[ichimonittou] answering question by question
演習問題[enshuumondai] practice problem
応用問題[ouyoumondai] application problem
押し問答[oshimondou] dispute
卸問屋[oroshidonya] wholesaler
下問[kamon] enquiry
外交問題[gaikoumondai] diplomatic issue
学問[gakumon] scholarship
学問的[gakumonteki] scholarly
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
Latin; kidnap; crush

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Pinyin: lā, lá, lǎ Korean: rab Hán-Việt: lạp
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-3-5


拉麺[raamen] ramen (Chinese-style noodles)
拉丁[raten] Latin (language)
拉丁語[ratengo] Latin
亜拉毘亜[arabia] Arabia
拉致[rachi] taking captive
取拉ぐ[torihishigu] to crush
踏み拉く[fumishidaku] to trample
打ち拉がれる[uchihishigareru] to be stricken (e.g. with grief)
打ち拉ぐ[uchihishigu] to crush (with the weight of misfortune)
拉げる[hishigeru] to be crushed
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
doth; do; send; forward; cause; exert; incur; engage

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Popularity rank: 870 Pinyin: zhì Korean: chi Hán-Việt: trí
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-6-4


お願い致します[onegaiitashimasu] please
如何致しまして[douitashimashite] you are welcome
一致[icchi] coincidence
一致点[icchiten] point of agreement
引致[inchi] arrest
雅致[gachi] artistry
共同一致[kyoudouicchi] unanimous cooperation
極致[kyokuchi] culmination
言行一致[genkouicchi] acting up to one's words
合致[gacchi] agreement
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
topic; subject

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Popularity rank: 96 Pinyin: Korean: je Hán-Việt: đề
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-9-9


飲み放題[nomihoudai] all you can drink
演習問題[enshuumondai] practice problem
演題[endai] subject of an address
応用問題[ouyoumondai] application problem
歌題[kadai] name of poem
課題[kadai] subject
画題[gadai] motif
解題[kaidai] synopsis
改題[kaidai] changing a title
外交問題[gaikoumondai] diplomatic issue
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0