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Search Kanji for 手首頸頚


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Popularity rank: 60 Pinyin: shǒu Korean: su Hán-Việt: thủ
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-1-3


御手玉[otedama] beanbag
御手上げ[oteage] all over
御手盛り[otemori] making arbitrary decisions which benefit oneself
御手洗い[otearai] toilet
お手伝いさん[otetsudaisan] maid
手子摺る[tekozuru] to have much trouble
引っ手繰り[hittakuri] purse snatching
悪手[akushu] poor move
握手[akushu] handshake
安手[yasude] cheap kind
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
neck; head

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Popularity rank: 2470 Pinyin: jǐng, gěng Korean: gyeong Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 14 Skip code: 1-5-9


頚静脈[keijoumyaku] jugular vein
頚動脈[keidoumyaku] carotid artery
頚肉[keiniku] neck flesh
子宮頚[shikyuukei] uterine cervix
手頚[tekubi] wrist
頚筋[kubisuji] nape of the neck
頚飾り[kubikazari] necklace
鼠頚部[sokeibu] groin
刎頚[funkei] decapitation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
neck; head

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Pinyin: jǐng, gěng Korean: gyeong Hán-Việt: cảnh
Stroke counts: 16 Skip code: 1-7-9


頸静脈[keijoumyaku] jugular vein
頸動脈[keidoumyaku] carotid artery
頸肉[keiniku] neck flesh
子宮頸[shikyuukei] uterine cervix
手頸[tekubi] wrist
頸っ丈[kubittake] deeply in love with
頸筋[kubisuji] nape of the neck
頸飾り[kubikazari] necklace
鼠頸部[sokeibu] groin
足頸[ashikubi] ankle
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
neck; counter for songs and poems

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Popularity rank: 98 Pinyin: shǒu Korean: su Hán-Việt: thủ, thú
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-6


一首[isshu] tanka
鎌首[kamakubi] sickle-shaped neck (e.g. snake, praying mantis)
丸首[marukubi] round-necked (T-shirt)
偽首[nisekubi] falsified severed head
カリ首[karikubi] (something resembling a) goose's neck
がん首[gankubi] head of a pipe, incl. the bowl and stem attachment
機首[kishu] nose (of plane)
襟首[erikubi] nape of neck
元首[genshu] ruler
絞首刑[koushukei] death by hanging
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0