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Search Kanji for 愛惜

pity; be sparing of; frugal; stingy; regret

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Popularity rank: 1641 Pinyin: xī, xí Korean: seog Hán-Việt: tích
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-8


哀惜[aiseki] grief
愛惜[aiseki] missing someone
一文惜み[ichimonoshimi] stinginess
骨惜しみ[honeoshimi] sparing oneself
出し惜しみ[dashioshimi] unwilling
出し惜しむ[dashioshimu] to grudge
惜しい[oshii] regrettable
惜しまない[oshimanai] without sparing (effort, funds, etc.)
惜しむ[oshimu] to be frugal
惜敗[sekihai] regrettable defeat
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
love; affection; favourite

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Popularity rank: 640 Pinyin: ài Korean: ae Hán-Việt: ái
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-6-7


愛しい[itoshii] lovely
愛子[manago] beloved child
愛すべき[aisubeki] lovable
愛する[aisuru] to love
愛でたし[medetashi] wonderful
愛でる[mederu] to love
愛に飢える[ainiueru] to hunger for love
愛の結晶[ainokesshou] fruit of love
愛らしい[airashii] pretty
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0