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Search Kanji for 想像付

adhere; attach; refer to; append

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Popularity rank: 322 Pinyin: Korean: bu Hán-Việt: phó
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-3


御付き[otsuki] retainer
御墨付き[osumitsuki] handwriting
恰好付ける[kakkoutsukeru] to affect a stylish air
食っ付く[kuttsuku] to adhere to
食っ付ける[kuttsukeru] to attach
しがみ付く[shigamitsuku] to cling
何方付かず[docchitsukazu] gray area
に付いて[nitsuite] concerning
に付き[nitsuki] because of
打っ付ける[uchitsukeru] to knock
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statue; picture; image; figure; portrait

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Popularity rank: 856 Pinyin: xiàng Korean: sang Hán-Việt: tượng
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-12


影像[eizou] silhouette
映像[eizou] reflection
音像[onzou] stereo image (audio)
画像[gazou] image
画像処理[gazoushori] image processing
画像処理装置[gazoushorisouchi] image processing equipment
解像度[kaizoudo] resolution (e.g. display, dpi)
解像力[kaizouryoku] resolving power (of a lens)
乾漆像[kanshitsuzou] lacquered (wooden) Buddha statue
巨像[kyozou] huge image
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
concept; think; idea; thought

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Popularity rank: 381 Pinyin: xiǎng Korean: sang Hán-Việt: tưởng
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-9-4


愛想の良い[aisonoii] affable
意想外[isougai] unexpected
仮想[kasou] imagination
仮想記憶[kasoukioku] virtual memory
仮想空間[kasoukuukan] virtual space (e.g. in computer graphics)
回想[kaisou] reflection
回想録[kaisouroku] memoirs
楽想[gakusou] melodic subject
感想[kansou] impressions
危険思想[kikenshisou] dangerous thoughts
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0