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Search Kanji for 怪しげ

suspicious; mystery; apparition

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Popularity rank: 1634 Pinyin: guài Korean: goe Hán-Việt: quái
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-5


奇怪しい[okashii] funny
怪しからん[keshikaran] outrageous
怪しげ[ayashige] questionable
怪しむ[ayashimu] to suspect
怪異[kaii] strangeness
怪我[kega] injury (to animate object)
怪我人[keganin] wounded or injured person
怪奇[kaiki] bizarre
怪傑[kaiketsu] man of extraordinary talent
怪死[kaishi] mysterious death
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