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Search Kanji for 年頭挨拶

year; counter for years

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Popularity rank: 6 Pinyin: nián Korean: nyeon Hán-Việt: niên
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-6-3


いい年をして[iitoshiwoshite] (in spite of) being old enough to know better
亥年[idoshi] year of the boar
一箇年[ikkanen] one year
一周年[isshuunen] one full year
一年以内に[ichineninaini] within a year
一年間[ichinenkan] (period of) one year
一年生[ichinensei] annual (plant)
一年草[ichinensou] annual (plant)
一年ぢゅう[ichinenjuu] all year round
一両年[ichiryounen] (a) year or two
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
be imminent; draw close

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Pinyin: zǎn, zā Korean: chal Hán-Việt: tạt
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-3-6


挨拶[aisatsu] greeting
挨拶回り[aisatsumawari] courtesy call
挨拶状[aisatsujou] greeting card
挨拶は抜きで[aisatsuhanukide] without compliments (greetings)
挨拶を交わす[aisatsuwokawasu] to exchange greetings
御挨拶[goaisatsu] greeting
一挨一拶[ichiaiissatsu] dialoging (with another Zen practitioner to ascertain their level of enlightenment)
時候の挨拶[jikounoaisatsu] season's greetings (conventional way of beginning a letter)
拶双魚[sappa] Japanese sardinella (Sardinella zunasi)
年頭の挨拶[nentounoaisatsu] New Year's greetings
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
push open

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Popularity rank: 2258 Pinyin: āi, ái Korean: ae Hán-Việt: ai, ải
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-3-7


挨拶[aisatsu] greeting
挨拶回り[aisatsumawari] courtesy call
挨拶状[aisatsujou] greeting card
挨拶は抜きで[aisatsuhanukide] without compliments (greetings)
挨拶を交わす[aisatsuwokawasu] to exchange greetings
御挨拶[goaisatsu] greeting
一挨一拶[ichiaiissatsu] dialoging (with another Zen practitioner to ascertain their level of enlightenment)
時候の挨拶[jikounoaisatsu] season's greetings (conventional way of beginning a letter)
年頭の挨拶[nentounoaisatsu] New Year's greetings
年頭挨拶[nentouaisatsu] New Year's greetings
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
head; counter for large animals

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Popularity rank: 433 Pinyin: tóu, tou Korean: du Hán-Việt: đầu
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-7-9


データの先頭[deetanosentou] beginning of data
一頭[ittou] one large animal (horses, cattle, etc.)
一頭立て[ittoudate] one-horse (carriage)
咽頭[intou] pharynx
駅頭[ekitou] station
音頭[ondo] leading a group of people
会頭[kaitou] society president
街頭[gaitou] in the street
核弾頭[kakudantou] nuclear warhead
巻頭[kantou] opening page of book
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0