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Search Kanji for 帷幄上奏

above; up

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Popularity rank: 35 Pinyin: shàng, shǎng Korean: sang Hán-Việt: thượng, thướng
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-3-2


御手上げ[oteage] all over
お上りさん[onoborisan] countryside people (in town)
上さん[kamisan] (one's) wife
其の上で[sonouede] moreover
其の上[sonoue] in addition
それ以上[soreijou] further
たくし上げる[takushiageru] to roll up or pull up (sleeves, skirt, etc.)
捲り上げる[makuriageru] to tuck (e.g. sleeves)
安上り[yasuagari] cheap
案の上[annojou] just as one thought
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
play music; speak to a ruler; complete

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Popularity rank: 1067 Pinyin: zòu Korean: ju Hán-Việt: tấu
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-9-4


演奏会[ensoukai] concert
演奏曲目[ensoukyokumoku] musical program
演奏練習[ensourenshuu] musical rehearsal
劾奏[gaisou] report of an official's offence to the emperor (offense)
楽器演奏者[gakkiensousha] (musical) instrumentalist
間奏曲[kansoukyoku] interlude
協奏曲[kyousoukyoku] concerto
弦楽五重奏曲[gengakugojuusoukyoku] string quintet
弦楽四重奏曲[gengakushijuusoukyoku] string quartet
合奏[gassou] concert
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
curtain; screen

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Pinyin: wéi Korean: yu Hán-Việt: duy
Stroke counts: 11 Skip code: 1-3-8


帷子[katabira] light, thin, single-layer kimono (esp. from hemp or raw silk, for summer use)
帷帳[ichou] curtain
帷幕[ibaku] curtain
帷幄[iaku] headquarters
帷幄の臣[iakunoshin] close adviser
帷幄上奏[iakujousou] direct appeal to the throne by the military
鎖帷子[kusarikatabira] chain mail (armor, armour)
経帷子[kyoukatabira] white kimono in which dead person is dressed
湯帷子[yukatabira] single-layer absorbent bathrobe (worn during or after a bath)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: Korean: ag Hán-Việt: ác
Stroke counts: 12 Skip code: 1-3-9


帷幄[iaku] headquarters
帷幄の臣[iakunoshin] close adviser
帷幄上奏[iakujousou] direct appeal to the throne by the military
幄舎[akusha] pavilion
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0