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Search Kanji for 布切襤褸

cut; cutoff; be sharp

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Popularity rank: 324 Pinyin: qiē, qiè Korean: jeol, che Hán-Việt: thiết, thế
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-2-2


吹っ切れる[fukkireru] to break through (e.g. one's doubts)
襤褸切[borokire] old rag
やり切る[yarikiru] complete decisively
切死丹[kirishitan] early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period)
哀切[aisetsu] pathetic
一切[issai] all
ひと切り[hitokiri] pause
1切れ[hitokire] slice
一切経[issaikyou] complete Buddhist scriptures
一切衆生[issaishujou] all living creatures
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
linen; cloth

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Popularity rank: 877 Pinyin: Korean: po Hán-Việt: bố
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-2-3


火燵掛布[kotatsugake] cover for kotatsu
火燵布団[kotatsubuton] cover for kotatsu
ぼろ布[borokire] old rag
布哇[hawai] Hawaii
亜麻布[amanuno] linen
綾布[ayanuno] twill damask and brocade
画布[gafu] (oil painting) canvas
絹布[kenpu] silk
公布[koufu] official proclamation
腰布[koshinuno] loincloth
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: lu:3 Korean: ru Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 16 Skip code: 1-5-11


襤褸切[borokire] old rag
藍褸[ranru] rag
襤褸屋[boroya] run-down shabby house
襤褸を出す[borowodasu] to reveal the faults
襤褸糞[borokuso] trashy reputation
野襤褸菊[noborogiku] common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
襤褸糞に言う[borokusoniiu] to speak ill of
襤褸団扇船喰虫[borouchiwafunakuimushi] Uperotus clava (species of shipworm)
襤褸滓[borokasu] trashy reputation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: lán Korean: ram Hán-Việt: lam
Stroke counts: 20 Skip code: 1-5-14


襤褸切[borokire] old rag
襤褸[boro] rag
襤褸屋[boroya] run-down shabby house
襤褸を出す[borowodasu] to reveal the faults
襤褸糞[borokuso] trashy reputation
野襤褸菊[noborogiku] common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
襤褸糞に言う[borokusoniiu] to speak ill of
襤褸団扇船喰虫[borouchiwafunakuimushi] Uperotus clava (species of shipworm)
襤褸滓[borokasu] trashy reputation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0