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Search Kanji for 屠蘇

slaughter; butcher; slay

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Pinyin: Korean: do, jeo Hán-Việt: đồ, chư
Stroke counts: 11 Skip code: 3-3-8


お屠蘇[otoso] New Year's sake
屠る[hofuru] to slaughter
屠殺[tosatsu] slaughter (of animals for meat)
屠殺場[tosatsujou] abattoir
屠所[tosho] abattoir
屠場[tojou] abattoir
屠蘇[toso] spiced sake (served at New Year's)
屠蘇散[tososan] spices used in toso (spiced sake)
屠蘇機嫌[tosokigen] feeling a little drunk with the New Year's sake
屠蘇気分[tosokibun] festive New Year's mood
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
be resuscitated; revived

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Popularity rank: 1968 Pinyin: Korean: so Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 19 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-4-16


お屠蘇[otoso] New Year's sake
蘇維埃[sobieto] soviet
蘇連[soren] (former) Soviet Union
紫蘇[shiso] shiso
青紫蘇[aojiso] green beefsteak plant
蘇り[yomigaeri] resurrection
中蘇[chuuso] China and Soviet Russia
蘇生[sosei] rebirth
蘇える[yomigaeru] to be resurrected
蘇枋[suou] sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0