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Search Kanji for 就任早々

responsibility; duty; term; entrust to; appoint

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Popularity rank: 217 Pinyin: rèn, rén Korean: im Hán-Việt: nhậm, nhâm, nhiệm
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-4


委任[inin] charge
委任状[ininjou] commission
一任[ichinin] entrusting
引責辞任[insekijinin] taking responsibility upon oneself (and resigning)
解任[kainin] dismissal
帰任[kinin] return to one's post
共同責任[kyoudousekinin] joint responsibility
兼任[kennin] concurrent post
後任[kounin] successor
口任せ[kuchimakase] random talk
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concerning; settle; take position; depart; study; per

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Popularity rank: 624 Pinyin: jiù Korean: chwi Hán-Việt: tựu
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-4


に就て[nitsuite] concerning
に就き[nitsuki] because of
去就[kyoshuu] committing one's self
就いては[tsuiteha] in line with this
就きましては[tsukimashiteha] in line with this
就く[tsuku] to ascend (the throne)
就ける[tsukeru] to install (a king, emperor, etc.)
就学[shuugaku] entering school
就学義務[shuugakugimu] compulsory school attendance
就学児童[shuugakujidou] school child
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
early; fast

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Popularity rank: 402 Pinyin: zǎo Korean: jo Hán-Việt: tảo
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-4-2


お早うございます[ohayougozaimasu] good morning
一刻も早く[ikkokumohayaku] immediately
いち早く[ichihayaku] promptly
口早[kuchibaya] rapid talking
最早[mohaya] already
時期が早い[jikigahayai] before scheduled
時期尚早[jikishousou] premature
時機尚早[jikishousou] before its time
早手[hayate] gale
手早い[tebayai] nimble
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0