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Search Kanji for 小行列式

file; row; rank; tier; column

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Popularity rank: 927 Pinyin: liè Korean: ryeol Hán-Việt: liệt
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-2


列記[rekki] list
一列[ichiretsu] (a) row
下り列車[kudariressha] trains going away from the capital
逆行列[gyakugyouretsu] inverse matrix
区間列車[kukanressha] local train
系列[keiretsu] series
系列化[keiretsuka] putting in order
後列[kouretsu] rear
行列[gyouretsu] line
行列式[gyouretsushiki] determinant
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
little; small

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Popularity rank: 114 Pinyin: xiǎo Korean: so Hán-Việt: tiểu
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-1-2


御寝小[onesho] bed-wetting
小便をする[shoubenwosuru] to pee
悪戯小僧[itazurakozou] mischievous boy
右小括弧[migishoukakko] closing parenthesis
永小作[eikosaku] perpetual land lease
英小文字[eikomoji] lower-case letters
仮小屋[karigoya] booth
過小[kashou] too small
過小評価[kashouhyouka] underestimation
甘い小説[amaishousetsu] sentimental novel
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
style; ceremony; rite; function; method; system; form; expression

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Popularity rank: 251 Pinyin: shì Korean: sig Hán-Việt: thức
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-3


鍬入れ式[kuwaireshiki] ground-breaking ceremony
オギノ式[oginoshiki] Ogino method
サイクルアンドライド方式[saikuruandoraidohoushiki] cycle and ride system
シーアンドエア方式[shiiandoeahoushiki] sea and air system
シーリング方式[shiiringuhoushiki] ceiling system
シップエア方式[shippueahoushiki] ship air system
スキャンロン方式[sukyanronhoushiki] Scanlon plan
違式[ishiki] informality
一括式[ikkatsushiki] batch mode
一式[isshiki] complete set
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
going; journey

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Popularity rank: 20 Pinyin: xíng, háng, hàng, xìng Korean: haeng, hang Hán-Việt: hành, hạnh, hàng, hạng
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-3-3


行けない[ikenai] wrong
行る[yaru] to send
オリエント急行[orientokyuukou] Orient express
カ行[kagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "ku"
ガ行[gagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "gu"
サ行[sagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "su"
ザ行[zagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "zu"
スパイ行為[supaikoui] espionage
タ行[tagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "tsu"
ダ行[dagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "dzu"
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0