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Search Kanji for 将射欲先馬

before; ahead; previous; future; precedence

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Popularity rank: 173 Pinyin: xiān Korean: seon Hán-Việt: tiên
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-4-2


お先に[osakini] before
この先の心持ち[konosakinokokoromochi] feelings from this point on
データの先頭[deetanosentou] beginning of data
ペン先[pensaki] pen nibs
一寸先[issunsaki] an inch ahead
一足先[hitoashisaki] one step ahead
烏有先生[uyuusensei] fictitious person
縁先[ensaki] veranda edge
下馬先[gebasaki] dismounting place
火先[hisaki] flames
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
shoot; shine into; onto; archery

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Popularity rank: 937 Pinyin: shè, shí, yè Korean: sa, seog Hán-Việt: xạ, dạ, dịch
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-3


ロケット発射筒[rokettohasshatou] rocket launcher
依託射撃[itakushageki] firing from elbow rests
威嚇射撃[ikakushageki] warning shot
一斉射撃[isseishageki] volley firing
火焔放射器[kaenhoushaki] flamethrower
間接照準射撃[kansetsushoujunshageki] indirect fire
騎射[kisha] shooting on horseback
逆噴射[gyakufunsha] reverse thrust
曲射[kyokusha] high-angle fire
曲射砲[kyokushahou] howitzer
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
leader; commander; general; admiral; or; and again; soon; from now on; just about

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Popularity rank: 634 Pinyin: jiāng, jiàng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: tương, thương, tướng
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-7


将又[hatamata] and
一将[isshou] general (military)
王将[oushou] king
餓鬼大将[gakidaishou] boss of the children (in the neighbourhood) (neighborhood)
海将[kaishou] Vice-Admiral (Maritime Self-Defence Force of Japan) (defense)
近い将来[chikaishourai] near future
金将[kinshou] gold general (shogi)
空軍連絡将校[kuugunrenrakushoukou] air liaison officer
軍将[gunshou] army commander
次将[jishou] second in command
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
longing; covetousness; greed; passion; desire; craving

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Popularity rank: 902 Pinyin: Korean: yog Hán-Việt: dục
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-7-4


寡欲[kayoku] unselfishness
我欲[gayoku] selfishness
強欲[gouyoku] greed
禁欲[kinyoku] abstinence
少欲[shouyoku] a little covetousness
情欲[jouyoku] passions
色欲[shikiyoku] lust
食欲[shokuyoku] appetite (for food)
人欲[jinyoku] human desires
制欲[seiyoku] control of passions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 639 Pinyin: Korean: ma Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-10-1


馬酔木[asebi] Japanese andromeda (Pieris japonica)
馬鈴薯[jagaimo] potato (Solanum tuberosum)
じゃじゃ馬[jajauma] restive horse
玖馬[kyuuba] Cuba
トロイの木馬[toroinomokuba] Trojan horse
巴奈馬[panama] Panama
馬克[maruku] mark
羅馬字[roomaji] Latin alphabet
ワープロ馬鹿[waapurobaka] someone whose kanji-writing ability has suffered due to overreliance on the kana-to-kanji conversion systems used to input Japanese text on a computer
愛馬[aiba] favourite horse
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0