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Search Kanji for 寸毫

measurement; foot; 10

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Popularity rank: 1669 Pinyin: cùn Korean: chon Hán-Việt: thốn
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-3-3


燐寸[macchi] match (contest)
一寸[issun] one sun (approx. 3.03 cm)
一寸[chotto] just a minute
一寸先[issunsaki] an inch ahead
一寸逃れ[issunnogare] quibbling
一寸法師[issunboushi] dwarf
胸三寸[munesanzun] heart
九寸五分[kusungobu] dagger
原寸[gensun] actual size
原寸大[gensundai] actual size
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
fine hair; brush; not at all

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Pinyin: háo Korean: ho Hán-Việt: hào
Stroke counts: 11 Skip code: 2-2-9


一糸一毫[isshiichigou] tiny amount
一毫[ichigou] (a) bit
毫も[goumo] (not) in the least
毫釐[gouri] very small quantity
揮毫[kigou] writing
揮毫料[kigouryou] writing or painting fee
毫末[goumatsu] minute amount
毫光[goukou] light that is said to be emitted from some hair or tuft in Buddha's forehead
白毫[byakugou] whorl of white hair on the forehead of the Buddha, represented by a white precious stone on statues of Buddha
寸毫[sungou] a bit
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0