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Search Kanji for 富本銭

wealth; enrich; abundant

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Popularity rank: 644 Pinyin: Korean: bu Hán-Việt: phú
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-9


機知に富む[kichinitomu] to be quick-witted
巨富[kyofu] great riches
国富[kokufu] national wealth
豆富[toufu] tofu
独創性に富む[dokusouseinitomu] to be ingenious
貧富[hinpu] wealth and poverty
富み[tomi] wealth
富む[tomu] to be rich
富栄養化[fueiyouka] eutrophication
富貴[fuuki] riches and honours (honors)
book; present; main; origin; true; real; counter for long cylindrical things

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Popularity rank: 10 Pinyin: běn Korean: bon Hán-Việt: bổn, bản, bôn
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-3


本の[honno] mere
異本[ihon] different edition
一坪本社[hitotsubohonsha] small company headquarters located in Tokyo simply for name value
一本[ippon] one long cylindrical thing
一本気[ippongi] single-minded (esp. personality or person)
一本橋[ipponbashi] (a) log bridge
一本建て[ippondate] (a) single standard
一本松[ipponmatsu] solitary pine tree
一本杉[ipponsugi] (a) solitary cryptomeria tree
一本槍[ipponyari] guiding principle
coin; .01 yen; money

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Popularity rank: 1008 Pinyin: qián Korean: jeon Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-6


悪銭[akusen] ill-gotten money
一紙半銭[isshihansen] small sum
金銭[kinsen] money
金銭的ダメージ[kinsentekidameeji] monetary damages
古銭[kosen] old coin
古銭学[kosengaku] numismatics
口銭[kousen] commission
自動金銭出入機[jidoukinsenshutsunyuuki] automatic teller machine
借銭[shakusen] debt
守銭奴[shusendo] miser