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Search Kanji for 家畜囲

surround; besiege; store; paling; enclosure; encircle; preserve; keep

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Popularity rank: 771 Pinyin: wéi Korean: wi Hán-Việt: vi
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-4


囲い[kakoi] enclosure
囲う[kakou] to enclose
囲み記事[kakomikiji] (newspaper) column
囲む[kakomu] to surround
囲碁[igo] Go (board game of capturing territory)
囲炉裡[irori] sunken hearth
囲にょう[inyou] surrounding
胸囲[kyoui] chest measurement
交際範囲[kousaihani] circle of acquaintance
広範囲[kouhani] extensive
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
house; home; family; professional; expert; performer

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Popularity rank: 133 Pinyin: jiā, gū Korean: ga Hán-Việt: gia, cô
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-7


愛煙家[aienka] heavy smoker
愛犬家[aikenka] lover of dogs
愛好家[aikouka] amateur
愛猫家[aibyouka] cat lover
為政家[iseika] politician
遺家族[ikazoku] bereaved family
医家[ika] doctor
育種家[ikushuka] (plant) breeder
一家団欒[ikkadanran] happy family get-together
厭世家[enseika] pessimist
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
livestock; domestic fowl and animals

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Popularity rank: 1824 Pinyin: chù, xù Korean: chug Hán-Việt: súc, húc
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-5-5


家畜[kachiku] domestic animals
鬼畜[kichiku] brute
人畜[jinchiku] men and animals
畜殺[chikusatsu] slaughtering (animals)
畜殺場[chikusatsuba] abattoir
畜産[chikusan] animal husbandry
畜舎[chikusha] cattle shed
畜生[chikushou] beast (i.e. any animal other than man)
畜生目[chikushoume] son-of-a-bitch
畜生道[chikushoudou] animal realm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0