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Search Kanji for 委託売買


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Popularity rank: 202 Pinyin: mài Korean: mae Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-4


安売り[yasuuri] discount
一手販売[ittehanbai] sole agency
淫売[inbai] prostitution
卸売物価指数[oroshiuribukkashisuu] wholesale price index
掛売り[kakeuri] selling on credit
客商売[kyakushoubai] hotel
競争売買[kyousoubaibai] auction
競売[kyoubai] auction
個別販売[kobetsuhanbai] door-to-door selling
公売[koubai] public sale
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
committee; entrust to; leave to; devote; discard

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Popularity rank: 187 Pinyin: wěi, wēi Korean: wi Hán-Việt: ủy, uy
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-1-7


委ねる[yudaneru] to entrust (a matter) to
委員[iin] committee member
委員会[iinkai] committee
委員長[iinchou] committee chairman
委曲[ikyoku] details
委細[isai] details
委細面談[isaimendan] details when I see you
委託[itaku] consign (goods (for sale) to a firm)
委託生[itakusei] scholarship student sent by government office or business
委任[inin] charge
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
consign; requesting; entrusting with; pretend; hint

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Popularity rank: 1021 Pinyin: tuō Korean: tag Hán-Việt: thác
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-3


依託[itaku] dependence (on someone)
依託射撃[itakushageki] firing from elbow rests
委託[itaku] consign (goods (for sale) to a firm)
委託生[itakusei] scholarship student sent by government office or business
仮託[kataku] pretext
供託[kyoutaku] deposit
供託金[kyoutakukin] deposit of money
供託者[kyoutakusha] depositor
供託物[kyoutakubutsu] something deposited
屈託[kuttaku] worry
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 520 Pinyin: mǎi Korean: mae Hán-Việt: mãi
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-5-7


歓心を買う[kanshinwokau] to win favour
競争売買[kyousoubaibai] auction
故買[kobai] buying stolen goods
購買[koubai] procurement
購買力[koubairyoku] buying power
思惑買い[omowakugai] speculative buying
衝動買い[shoudougai] impulsive buying
人身売買[jinshinbaibai] slave trade
人買い[hitokai] slave traffic
青田買い[aotagai] speculatively buying a rice harvest, while the fields are still green
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0