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Search Kanji for 妻夫具

tool; utensil; means; possess; ingredients; counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture

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Popularity rank: 629 Pinyin: Korean: gu Hán-Việt: cụ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-5-3


一具[ichigu] one set
雨具[amagu] rain gear
化粧道具[keshoudougu] toilet set
家具[kagu] furniture
家具屋[kaguya] furniture store
絵具[enogu] colors
翫具[gangu] toy
器具[kigu] utensil
弓具[kyuugu] things used in archery
金具[kanagu] metal fittings or fixtures
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
husband; man

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Popularity rank: 335 Pinyin: fū, fú Korean: bu Hán-Việt: phu, phù
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-4-4


偉丈夫[ijoufu] great man
一妻多夫[issaitafu] polyandry
一夫一婦[ippuippu] monogamy
一夫多妻[ipputasai] polygamy
駅夫[ekifu] railway employee (porter)
鰥夫[yamoo] widower
火夫[kafu] fireman
姦夫[kanpu] adulterer
旧夫[kyuufu] former husband
漁夫[gyofu] fisherman
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
wife; spouse

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Popularity rank: 691 Pinyin: qī, qì Korean: cheo Hán-Việt: thê, thế
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-5-3


愛妻[aisai] beloved wife
悪妻[akusai] bad wife
一妻多夫[issaitafu] polyandry
一夫多妻[ipputasai] polygamy
稲妻[inazuma] (flash of) lightning
求妻広告[kyuusaikoukoku] advertisement for a wife
旧妻[kyuusai] former wife
恐妻家[kyousaika] hen-pecked husband
恐妻病[kyousaibyou] wife-phobia
愚妻[gusai] wife
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0