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Search Kanji for 奪去

gone; past; quit; leave; elapse; eliminate; divorce

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Popularity rank: 440 Pinyin: Korean: geo Hán-Việt: khứ, khu
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-2


引去る[hikisaru] to retreat
汚染除去[osenjokyo] decontamination
去なす[inasu] to parry
過ぎ去った可能性[sugisattakanousei] might-have-been
過去る[sugisaru] to pass
過去[kako] the past
過去形[kakokei] past tense
去る[saru] to leave
去月[kyogetsu] last month
去就[kyoshuu] committing one's self
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
rob; take by force; snatch away; dispossess; plunder; usurp

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Popularity rank: 974 Pinyin: duó Korean: tal Hán-Việt: đoạt
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-11-3


横奪[oudatsu] misappropriation
強奪[goudatsu] pillage
収奪[shuudatsu] plundering
生殺与奪[seisatsuyodatsu] (having) life-and-death power (over)
争奪[soudatsu] struggle
争奪戦[soudatsusen] contest
奪い合う[ubaiau] to scramble for
奪い取る[ubaitoru] to plunder
奪い返す[ubaikaesu] to take back
奪う[ubau] to snatch away
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0