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Search Kanji for 夜間外出禁止令

orders; ancient laws; command; decree

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Popularity rank: 804 Pinyin: lìng, líng, lǐng Korean: ryeong Hán-Việt: lệnh, linh
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-2


悪令[akurei] bad decree
威令[irei] authority
違令[irei] violation of law
一般命令演算機構[ippanmeireienzankikou] general instruction unit (computer)
家令[karei] steward
戒厳令[kaigenrei] martial law
禁令[kinrei] prohibition
訓令[kunrei] directive
軍司令官[gunshireikan] army commander
軍司令部[gunshireibu] military headquarters
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude

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Popularity rank: 13 Pinyin: chū Korean: chul, chu Hán-Việt: xuất, xúy
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-2


御出でになる[oideninaru] to be
御目出度う御座います[omedetougozaimasu] congratulations
曝け出す[sarakedasu] to expose
出来るようになる[dekiruyouninaru] (something) has become possible
グループ見出し[guruupumidashi] group heading
圧出[asshutsu] pressing out
案出[anshutsu] contrivance
移出[ishutsu] export
溢れ出る[afurederu] to overflow from something full
逸出[isshutsu] escape
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 81 Pinyin: wài Korean: oe Hán-Việt: ngoại
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-3-2


この外[konohoka] besides
その外[sonota] etc.
ピントが外れる[pintogahazureru] to be out of focus
案外[angai] unexpectedly
もっての外[mottenohoka] absurd
以外[igai] with the exception of
意外[igai] unexpected
意想外[isougai] unexpected
域外[ikigai] outside the area
員外[ingai] non-membership
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
night; evening

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Popularity rank: 487 Pinyin: Korean: ya Hán-Việt: dạ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-4-4


お七夜[oshichiya] name-giving ceremony
一昨夜[issakuya] night before last
一昼夜[icchuuya] whole day and night
一日一夜[ichinichiichiya] all day and night
一夜乞食[ichiyakojiki] (a) person made homeless by fire
一夜造り[ichiyazukuri] built in a night
一夜大臣[ichiyadaijin] overnight millionaire
一夜づけ[ichiyazuke] last-minute cramming
寒夜[kanya] cold night
夜露死苦[yoroshiku] well
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
stop; halt

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Popularity rank: 310 Pinyin: zhǐ Korean: ji Hán-Việt: chỉ
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-4-2


右折禁止[usetsukinshi] No Right Turn!
運転停止[untenteishi] suspension of operations
化学兵器禁止条約[kagakuheikikinshijouyaku] chemical weapons ban treaty
核抑止力[kakuyokushiryoku] nuclear deterrent force
鎌止め[kamadome] cutting grass and trees is prohibited
客止め[kyakudome] draw a full house
休止[kyuushi] pause
休止符[kyuushifu] rest (music)
挙止[kyoshi] bearing
禁止[kinshi] prohibition
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
prohibition; ban; forbid

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Popularity rank: 681 Pinyin: jìn, jīn Korean: geum Hán-Việt: cấm, câm
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-8-5


右折禁止[usetsukinshi] No Right Turn!
化学兵器禁止条約[kagakuheikikinshijouyaku] chemical weapons ban treaty
解禁[kaikin] lifting a ban
監禁[kankin] confinement
禁じる[kinjiru] to prohibit
禁ずる[kinzuru] to forbid
禁烟[kinen] abstaining from smoking
禁煙車[kinensha] non-smoking car
禁忌[kinki] taboo
禁漁[kinryou] prohibition of fishing
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
interval; space

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Popularity rank: 33 Pinyin: jiān, jiàn Korean: gan Hán-Việt: gian, gián, nhàn
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-8-4


あっとゆう間に[attoiumani] just like that
此間[konaida] the other day
此の間[konokan] the other day
間誤付かせる[magotsukaseru] to fluster
間誤付く[magotsuku] to be confused
クローン人間[kuroonningen] (human) clone
シゾイド人間[shizoidoningen] schizoid person
ベクトル空間[bekutorukuukan] vector space
π中間子[paichuukanshi] pi meson
位相空間[isoukuukan] phase space (physics)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0