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Search Kanji for 塀巡

fence; wall; (kokuji)

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Popularity rank: 1991 Pinyin: Korean: byeong Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-9


石塀[ishibei] stone wall
土塀[dobei] mud wall
板塀[itabei] wooden fence
ブロック塀[burokkubei] concrete-block wall
船板塀[funaitabei] fence made from disused ship planks
練り塀[neribei] mud and tile wall topped with tile
塀を巡らす[heiwomegurasu] to fence in
れんが塀[rengabei] brick wall
練塀[neribei] wall built with kneaded mud in between tiles or stones
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
patrol; go around; circumference

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Popularity rank: 1262 Pinyin: xún Korean: sun Hán-Việt: tuần
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-2-3


御巡りさん[omawarisan] policeman
一巡[ichijun] beat
乙巡[otsujun] second-class cruiser
仮装巡洋艦[kasoujunyoukan] merchant cruiser
血の巡りが悪い[chinomegurigawarui] dim-witted
血の巡りの悪い[chinomegurinowarui] dim-witted
狐疑逡巡[kogishunjun] being in doubt and unable to decide
交通巡査[koutsuujunsa] traffic officer
甲巡[koujun] armored cruiser
思い巡らす[omoimegurasu] to think over
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0