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Search Kanji for 堅牢固

harden; set; clot; curdle

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Popularity rank: 750 Pinyin: Korean: go Hán-Việt: cố
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-5


ポリシーに固執[porishiinikoshitsu] adherence to a policy
意固地[ikoji] obstinate
雨降って地固まる[amefuttejikatamaru] adversity strengthens the foundations
嘘で固める[usodekatameru] to fabricate a web of lies
押し固める[oshikatameru] to press together
確固[kakko] firm
乾固[kanko] drying and hardening
乾固まる[hikatamaru] to dry and harden
干し固める[hoshikatameru] to dry until stiff
簡明強固[kanmeikyouko] plain and sturdy
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
strict; hard; solid; tough; tight; reliable

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Popularity rank: 1049 Pinyin: jiān Korean: gyeon Hán-Việt: kiên
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-8-3


堅魚[katsuo] skipjack tuna
堅い[katai] hard
堅果[kenka] nut
堅苦しい[katakurushii] formal
堅固[kengo] solid
堅持[kenji] holding on to
堅城[kenjou] strong fortress
堅陣[kenjin] stronghold
堅調[kenchou] bullish
堅忍[kennin] perseverance
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
prison; jail; hardness

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Popularity rank: 2472 Pinyin: láo Korean: roe, ro Hán-Việt: lao, lâu, lạo
Stroke counts: 7 Skip code: 2-3-4


永牢[eirou] life imprisonment
堅牢[kenrou] solid
入牢[nyuurou] imprisonment
牢屋[rouya] jail
破牢[harou] prison breaking
牢獄[rougoku] prison
土牢[tsuchirou] dungeon
水牢[mizurou] (punishment by being placed in a) water-filled chamber
牢固[rouko] firm
牢死[roushi] dying in prison
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0