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Search Kanji for 在外研究員

employee; member; number; the one in charge

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Popularity rank: 54 Pinyin: yuán, yún, yùn Korean: weon Hán-Việt: viên, vân
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-7


カード会員[kaadokaiin] (credit) card holder
サボタージュ員[sabotaajuin] saboteur
パートタイム従業員[paatotaimujuugyouin] part time employee
フルタイム従業員[furutaimujuugyouin] full-time employee
委員[iin] committee member
委員会[iinkai] committee
委員長[iinchou] committee chairman
医員[iin] medical staff
一員[ichiin] person
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
exist; outskirts; suburbs; located in

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Popularity rank: 211 Pinyin: zài Korean: jae Hán-Việt: tại
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-3


介在[kaizai] mediation
観自在[kanjizai] Avalokitesvara (bodhisattva)
近在[kinzai] neighboring villages
健在[kenzai] in good health
県庁所在地[kenchoushozaichi] prefectural capital
顕在[kenzai] actual (as opposed to hidden or obscured)
現在[genzai] now
現在の所[genzainotokoro] at the present time
現在地[genzaichi] present location
現地駐在員[genchichuuzaiin] local resident
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 81 Pinyin: wài Korean: oe Hán-Việt: ngoại
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-3-2


この外[konohoka] besides
その外[sonota] etc.
ピントが外れる[pintogahazureru] to be out of focus
案外[angai] unexpectedly
もっての外[mottenohoka] absurd
以外[igai] with the exception of
意外[igai] unexpected
意想外[isougai] unexpected
域外[ikigai] outside the area
員外[ingai] non-membership
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
polish; study of; sharpen

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Popularity rank: 336 Pinyin: yán, yàn Korean: yeon Hán-Việt: nghiên, nghiễn
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-5-4


ジェット推進研究所[jettosuishinkenkyuusho] Jet Propulsion Laboratory
観察的研究[kansatsutekikenkyuu] observational study
基礎研究[kisokenkyuu] basic research
客員研究員[kyakuinkenkyuuin] visiting researcher
共同研究[kyoudoukenkyuu] collaborative research
研学[kengaku] study
研究[kenkyuu] study
研究チーム[kenkyuuchiimu] research team
研究員[kenkyuuin] researcher
研究会[kenkyuukai] research society
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
research; study

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Popularity rank: 368 Pinyin: jiù, jiū Korean: gu Hán-Việt: cứu
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-5-2


ジェット推進研究所[jettosuishinkenkyuusho] Jet Propulsion Laboratory
学究[gakkyuu] scholar
観察的研究[kansatsutekikenkyuu] observational study
基礎研究[kisokenkyuu] basic research
客員研究員[kyakuinkenkyuuin] visiting researcher
究極[kyuukyoku] ultimate
究明[kyuumei] investigation (esp. in academic and scientific contexts)
究極目的[kyuukyokumokuteki] extreme purpose
共同研究[kyoudoukenkyuu] collaborative research
研究[kenkyuu] study
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0