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Search Kanji for 嘱託医

doctor; medicine

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Popularity rank: 437 Pinyin: Korean: ye, eui Hán-Việt: y
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-2-5


へぼ医者[heboisha] quack doctor
医員[iin] medical staff
医院[iin] doctor's office (surgery)
医院長[iinchou] head doctor
医化学[ikagaku] medical chemistry
医家[ika] doctor
医科[ika] medical science
医科大学[ikadaigaku] medical school
医会[ikai] medical society
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
entrust; request; send a message

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Popularity rank: 1903 Pinyin: zhǔ Korean: chog Hán-Việt: chúc
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-12


嘱託[shokutaku] commission
嘱望[shokubou] (having great) expectation
依嘱[ishoku] entrusting (with)
嘱目[shokumoku] paying attention to
嘱託殺人[shokutakusatsujin] contract murder
付嘱[fushoku] conferment
委嘱状[ishokujou] letter of appointment (to a position)
嘱する[shokusuru] to entrust
受嘱[jushoku] being entrusted with
嘱託医[shokutakui] commissioned doctor
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
consign; requesting; entrusting with; pretend; hint

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Popularity rank: 1021 Pinyin: tuō Korean: tag Hán-Việt: thác
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-3


依託[itaku] dependence (on someone)
依託射撃[itakushageki] firing from elbow rests
委託[itaku] consign (goods (for sale) to a firm)
委託生[itakusei] scholarship student sent by government office or business
仮託[kataku] pretext
供託[kyoutaku] deposit
供託金[kyoutakukin] deposit of money
供託者[kyoutakusha] depositor
供託物[kyoutakubutsu] something deposited
屈託[kuttaku] worry
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0