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Search Kanji for 喪中欠礼

in; inside; middle; mean; center

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Popularity rank: 11 Pinyin: zhōng, zhòng Korean: jung Hán-Việt: trung, trúng
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-4-3


御中[onaka] stomach
御話中[ohanashichuu] busy (phone)
アル中[aruchuu] alcoholism
π中間子[paichuukanshi] pi meson
暗中[anchuu] in the dark
暗中摸索[anchuumosaku] groping in the dark
意中[ichuu] one's mind
意中の女[ichuunoonna] sweetheart
井の中の蛙大海を知らず[inonakanokawazutaikaiwoshirazu] parochial
一日中[ichinichijuu] all day long
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
miss; mourning

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Popularity rank: 885 Pinyin: sāng, sàng Korean: sang Hán-Việt: tang, táng
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-2-11


意気阻喪[ikisosou] depressed in spirits
喪う[ushinau] to lose
喪家[souka] homeless
喪具[sougu] funeral accessories
喪祭[sousai] funerals and festivals
喪失[soushitsu] loss
喪主[moshu] chief mourner
喪章[moshou] sign of mourning
喪心[soushin] absent-mindedness
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)

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Popularity rank: 860 Pinyin: qiàn Korean: heum, gam, gyeol Hán-Việt: khiếm
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-4-4


ガス欠[gasuketsu] running out of gasoline (petrol)
欠けがえのない[kakegaenonai] irreplaceable
間欠[kanketsu] intermittence
金欠[kinketsu] running out of money
欠かす[kakasu] to miss (doing)
欠く[kaku] to chip
欠け[kake] fragment
欠ける[kakeru] to be chipped
欠員[ketsuin] vacancy
欠課[kekka] cutting class
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
salute; bow; ceremony; thanks; remuneration

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Popularity rank: 1185 Pinyin: Korean: rye Hán-Việt: lễ
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-1


一礼[ichirei] bow (salute, greeting)
家礼[kerai] retainer
回礼[kairei] going from door to door greeting relatives and friends
割礼[katsurei] circumcision (male)
儀礼[girei] etiquette
儀礼的[gireiteki] formal
儀礼兵[gireihei] guard of honor
虚礼[kyorei] empty (useless) formalities
偶像礼拝[guuzoureihai] idolatry
軍礼[gunrei] military honors
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0