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Search Kanji for 咽泣

choked; smothered; stuffy

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Pinyin: yān, yàn, yè Korean: in, yeol Hán-Việt: yết, yến, ế
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-3-6


暗涙に咽ぶ[anruinimusebu] to shed silent tears
咽喉[inkou] throat
咽頭[intou] pharynx
耳鼻咽喉科[jibiinkouka] otorhinolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉専門医[jibiinkousenmoni] ear, nose and throat specialist
嗚咽[oetsu] sobbing
咽せる[museru] to choke over
咽び泣く[musebinaku] to sob
咽頭炎[intouen] pharyngitis
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
cry; weep; moan

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Popularity rank: 1380 Pinyin: Korean: eub Hán-Việt: khấp
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


しくしく泣く[shikushikunaku] to sob
啜り泣く[susurinaku] to sob
悔泣[kuyashinaki] crying from vexation
感泣[kankyuu] being moved to tears
泣かせる[nakaseru] to make someone cry
泣かす[nakasu] to make someone cry
泣き[naki] weeping
泣きじゃくる[nakijakuru] to sob
泣喚く[nakiwameku] to bawl
泣叫ぶ[nakisakebu] to cry and shout
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0