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Search Kanji for 向正面

yonder; facing; beyond; confront; defy; tend toward; approach

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Popularity rank: 182 Pinyin: xiàng Korean: hyang, sang Hán-Việt: hướng
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-3


の向かいに[nomukaini] opposite of
一向[hitaburu] nothing but
直向[hitamuki] earnest
向きに成る[mukininaru] to become serious
オブジェクト指向[obujekutoshikou] object-oriented
オブジェクト指向言語[obujekutoshikougengo] object-oriented language
コンシューマ向け製品[konshuumamukeseihin] consumer products
一向[ikkou] completely
一向に構わない[ikkounikamawanai] doesn't care at all
陰日向[kagehinata] double-faced
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correct; justice; righteous; 10**40

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Popularity rank: 143 Pinyin: zhèng, zhēng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: chánh, chính, chinh
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-5-1


賀正[gashou] A Happy New Year!
改正[kaisei] revision
改正案[kaiseian] reform bill
規則正い[kisokutadashii] regular
旧正月[kyuushougatsu] lunisolar New Year
匡正[kyousei] reform
きょう正[kyousei] correction
憲法を改正する[kenpouwokaiseisuru] to revise the constitution
憲法改正[kenpoukaisei] constitutional reform
厳正[gensei] strictness
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
mask; face; features; surface

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Popularity rank: 186 Pinyin: miàn Korean: myeon Hán-Việt: diện, miến
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-5-4


その反面[sonohanmen] on the other hand
委細面談[isaimendan] details when I see you
一面[ichimen] one face
一面観[ichimenkan] one-sided view
一面識[ichimenshiki] (a) passing acquaintance
隠面[inmen] hidden surface
右面[umen] right side
液面[ekimen] liquid surface
凹面[oumen] concavity
凹面鏡[oumenkyou] concave mirror
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0